
Showing posts from November, 2023

The advent of the Digital Era.

E very major revolution begins with a spark, and in our digital era, that spark was the birth of  Information Technology. Let's take a journey back to where it all began. Our journey begins in an era quite different from our own, a time when information and data were physical, t angible entities. Computers, as we know them, were a distant dream, and the world was on the brink of a technological revolution.  Our story starts with the contributions of early pioneers;  Charles Babbage  and  Ada Lovelace .                      Babbage designed the 'Analytical Engine,' a mechanical device considered the precursor to modern computers. Lovelace, often regarded as the world's first computer programmer, envisioned computers as machines capable of more than just number crunching. Society swiftly adopted these new tools, embracing the convenience and efficiency they brought. The impact of information technology was much beyond a simple productivity boost          The 19th century